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League Divisions

Is your player ready for the next level?

Early-bird registration typically begins in November with late fees occurred on/after January 1st. The Spring Season starts with practices in February, Opening Ceremonies the first week of March and finishing up the season by the end of May. Number of practices and games depends on division. See below for possible expectations.


Co-ed, Ages 4-5 or 6 if first year playing. Player must be age 4 by August 31st the year of playing season.

No scores or league standings are maintained. A soft safety baseball and tee will be used for the entire season. Entire lineup bats through each inning. Player will learn the basics of hitting off of a Tee, running the bases, fielding a grounder and throwing to first base. Coaches will be on the field throughout the season to provide skills development for players during the game.

The season is typically 10-weeks, featuring 1-2 practices per week with a single game played on weekends.  Game time typically runs 45 min to 1 hr or 3 innings. 

Parents are strongly encouraged to become involved in this entry level of Little League. After completing a Little League volunteer application and passing a required national background check, parents may become involved in practices, and be eligible as coaches, managers, umpires, local league board members and other volunteer positions within the league.


Co-ed, Ages 6-7, coach-pitch (5 good pitches, then hit off tee), soft safety baseballs are used. No scores or league standings are maintained. Outs count but no strikeouts. 3 outs made or batting through the lineup completes a half-inning. Typical game time length is 1 hour but may run up to 75 minutes or 4 innings.

This division works on hitting off a pitcher, developing accurate throws to first base, building confidence to catch the ball, beginning to make outs other than first base. Coaches may be on the field throughout the season to provide skills development for players during the game.

Typically, practices begin in February, beginning with 2 practices per week until games begin. There are 2 games per week (1 week night, 1 Saturday) and practices are reduced to once per week, depending on coach. 


Co-ed, Ages 7-8, player-pitch (3 pitches, then coach pitch 1 strike or pitching machine - up to coaches/teams). Batter can strike out but does not count towards 3 outs. This division works on increasing knowledge of plays and where to make an out. Base runners learn how and when to slide. Regular season standings will be kept. Season length, practice & game schedule similar to Farm 1. 


Softball/Baseball, Ages 8-10, tryouts required and must be drafted to make minors team. Redraft every year. Kid pitch only. Strike outs and walks. Base stealing allowed. The diamond used is a 60-foot diamond and the pitching distance is 46 feet. Practice schedule is at the discretion of the manager but typically is 2-4 days a week until games begin.


Softball/Baseball, Ages 9-12, Competitive Division. Scores and standings are posted. Tryouts required and must be drafted to make majors team. Redraft is voted on by Board of Directors each year. By NOT ALL PLAYERS AGES 10-12 WILL BE DRAFTED INTO MAJORS. Once drafted into Majors, a Player ages 10-12 CANNOT refuse to play Majors and play in Minors. If a Player ages 10-12 refuses a "call up" to Majors, they will not be eligible for All-Star Try Outs. 

The diamond used is a 60-foot diamond and the pitching distance is 46 feet. Practice schedule is at the discretion of the manager but may be up to 5 days a week until games begin.


Softball/Baseball, Ages 13-14, Competitive division. Scores and standings are posted. The Juniors division will redraft each year and players will be placed on teams based on a pre-season tryout. Players playing High School ball will be equally distributed across all teams.

Baseball –  plays on a standard baseball field (dimensions: 60-foot pitching distance; 90-foot base paths) 

Softball – uses the same base path and fence dimensions as Majors softball with a 43-foot pitching distance.